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Bookshelf Review
and other gambles

Bookcase Review
Invitational, Accessible Bookcases
April 13, 2012

OK, I'll read... wait, are those DVDs?

Bookcases should invite the reader to read.

They should make books accessible, opening up the world of books.

Is the library open? Yes, the library is wide open.

Do you have Hopes and Dreams: Stuck on AutoDrive? Probably.

Music Association: The Monotones - Book of Love

Reading Chair
April 12, 2012

Never underestimate the importance of a good reading chair.

Many people say they "aren't readers" or "don't have time to read" or they "get too fidgety."


What they are saying is that they don't have good reading chairs. They are the sorts of people that mistake those library step stools for chairs. They can't get comfortable. Or once they are comfortable, they can't reach their books.

It's a reading chair! No, it's a book case! It's both!
Music Association: Bon Jovi - Seat Next To You

Automated Book Selection
April 11, 2012

I have a system for selecting what book I will read next.

It's kind of a book jukebox.

My bookcase uses a gravity-fed system that takes the next book -- maybe next in line, maybe next heaviest, I'm not certain of its criteria -- and drops the book onto my strategically-positioned chair.automated book selection system

Luckily, I am a speed-reader because sometimes the books are delivered fast and furious.

So far, the system works well without using any electricity, although it may be solar, I'm not sure.

Maybe the sunlight warms the back corner of the bookcase, causing that part of the bookcase to expand, and nearby books to warm up and expand in relation to the other "cool" books, and drop into my hot hands.


 All I know is that after last year's accident, I no longer keep unabridged anythings on the top shelf.

Lesson learned.

Music Association: UB40 - Drop On By

book pile

Book a Passage
April 10, 2012

April 10, 1912 Titanic ticket

April 10, 1912 Titanic boarding pass

I have my reservations. But I'll board the ship anyway.

White Star Line flag  The Titanic was not unsinkable, or referred to as unsinkable, until after it sunk.
White Star Line flag  The Titanic was not trying to break any speed records; its boilers were not all lit.
White Star Line flag  The Titanic band did not play Nearer My God To Thee as its final song; the band was playing popular music.
White Star Line flag  The Titanic did not have enough lifeboats, but when are there enough? Let's say a ship tips over onto its side (Costa Concordia). There goes half the lifeboats, right?
White Star Line flag  Bruce Ismay, the chairman of the White Star Line and a Titanic passenger, was not the villain the newspapers of William Randolph Hearst made him out to be. He helped load and lower several lifeboats, before climbing in one himself.
Music Association: Dido - White Flag
"I will go down with this ship.
And I won't put my hands up and surrender.
There will be no white flag above my door.
I'm in love and always will be."

Book Review?
More than a Book Review
April 9, 2012

In the course of blogging events, I sometimes find it necessary to review a book or two.  Not ordinary books, no, I review only exceptional books, books with a quality so rich and thick that they shout out, "Read me! Read me, again and again! Read me twice at once, what the H-E-double bookends!"

Those sorts of books -- books that I either out-and-out review or will otherwise refer to with the highest of praises.

In some cases, it seems I am reviewing an entire book shelf.

Call me bold. Call me daring. Call me a cab. And yet none can deny, this is my first bookshelf review.

What you see here is an impressive bookshelf -- a bookshelf where the books are impressed into the wood of the shelf.
impressionist bookshelf

This is the bookshelf  for people who are finished with bookends. They are the purveyors of the domino theory of bookshelves, where the slightest slope, the barest breeze, causes books to slant, then topple, bringing the books and any feeble bookends to the floor.

Skilled book balancers? These book owners are not. Nor are they fans of gravity in general. They sleep on futons in single-level homes in valleys -- that's how much they don't like gravity. And this bookshelf is the only way they will pick books up off the floor.

This is not the bookshelf for book owners with an entire card catalog of books.

This is not the bookshelf for people who sort their books by subject or author or height or weight or color or impressiveness.

This is the bookshelf for the book owner who has the seven books that will not move, will not budge, no matter what happens.

This bookshelf is available from Ikea, as a block of wood with one of those little Allen wrench tools that you use to chip away all the wood that is in the way of your book(s).

Yes, I said, "book(s)" which means someone could buy this hunk-o-wood, carve it out, and put it up with just one impressed book.

If you see that, ask to borrow that book.

Music Association: Simon and Garfunkel - Bookends

Easter heads - Rapa Nui moai

Easter Costumes
April 5, 2012

egg  Dress up as a moai (here's how to make the moai head)

egg  Dress up as a chocolate Easter bunny (keep costume in 'fridge when not wearing it)

egg  Dress up as an Easter egg

Easter Bunnies

Music Association: 1776 Musical - Egg
"We're waiting for the chirp, chirp, chirp
of an eaglet being born
We're waiting for the chirp, chirp, chirp
on this humid Monday morning in this... Congressional incubator"

I know, I know -- wrong holiday


April 3, 2012

Just about everything I know about Timbuktu I learned from climbing sand dunes and from watching Michael Palin's Sahara. But it's not enough to know whether the military takeover is good or bad.

Music Association: Dido - Sand In My Shoes

How to Win the Lotterymega karma
April 2, 2012

Seeing ads and billboards for the lottery, makes me think of gambling overall. How to win at any form of gambling is as easy (or as difficult) as stacking the odds in your favor.

The absolute best odds in a casino are at the lunch buffet. The second best odds are found at blackjack, but the odds vary depending on not just how well the player plays, but also the casino rules. The absolute best odds a casino might allow for blackjack is 26%, but don't count on it.

I was reading an article in The Atlantic about the guy that walked away from three Atlantic City casinos with $15 million, nearly a year ago. He won by setting ground rules with one casino and getting two more to agree. He won before stepping into the casino, by negotiating the odds to be about 50% and then playing efficient blackjack. [source: The Atlantic]

How to win the lottery is easier. Don't play. Karma is easier and less random.

My karma just ran over your dogma.

Not that karma is easy or random, but I believe in karma more than I believe in luck. If there's such a thing as luck, I am a very lucky individual. If karma exists, I have already won the karma lottery.

How do you win the karma lottery? Be good, always, and life will seem magical and never a gamble.

Music Association: Pilot (or Selena Gomez) - Magic

Facepalm Sunday
April 1, 2012

Facepalm Sunday

Or maybe the sunlight is too bright for them. 

Music Association: The Animals - House of the Rising Sun

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