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Thoughts and Actions

Reproduction Room
November 30, 2011

You know those museum rooms that you can only look into from a doorway that are set up as historical reproductions of famous rooms? Sort of -- "this is what Ben Franklin's bedroom would've looked like, if he wasted time keeping it neat."

Well, I've been peering into my memories lately... historical reproductions, complete with the actual characters playing their roles, but only visible from one vantage point.

And after playing scenes a few times in all these reproduction rooms, I've come to a general  conclusion: I need to poke people more.

Not hard or anything, just -poke- like that. Just a way of saying "hey you exist" and are not just a memory, not just a reproduction in a reproduction room. And it's a way of saying "you people take yourselves too seriously."


Music Association: Paul Simon - Call Me Al  "Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard."

To the Adventurers
November 29, 2011

Here's to the scholar-doctors and adventurers who leave no stone unturned
because under stones is where all the good stuff is at

Here's to the ponderers
who dream and think and figure stuff out

And here's to the stubble
that helps the thought process.

Indiana Jones ponders

Music Association: John Williams - Indiana Jones Theme

Ways of Seeing
November 28, 2011

"[My father] taught me to notice things. One day when I was playing with what we called an express wagon, which is a little wagon which has a railing around it for children to play with that they can pull around. It had a ball in it -- I remember this -- it had a ball in it, and I pulled the wagon, and I noticed something about the way the ball moved.

"So I went to my father and I said, 'Say, Pop, I noticed something: When I pull the wagon the ball rolls to the back of the wagon, and when I'm pulling it along and I suddenly stop, the ball rolls to the front of the wagon,' and I says, 'why is that?'

"And he said, 'That nobody knows. The general principle is that things that are moving try to keep on moving and things that are standing still tend to stand still unless you push on them hard.' And he says, 'This tendency is called inertia but nobody knows why it's true.' Now that's a deep understanding -- he doesn't give me a name, he knew the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something, which I learned very early.

"He went on to say, 'If you look close you'll find the ball does not rush to the back of the wagon, but it's the back of the wagon that you're pulling against the ball; that the ball stands still, or as a matter of fact, from the friction starts to move forward really and doesn't move back.'

"So I ran back to the little wagon and set the ball up again and pulled the wagon from under it and looking sideways and seeing indeed he was right -- the ball never moved backwards in the wagon when I pulled the wagon forward. It moved backward relative to the wagon, but relative to the sidewalk it was moved forward a little bit, it's just [that] the wagon caught up with it. So that's the way I was educated by my father, with those kinds of examples and discussions, no pressure, just lovely interesting discussions."
- Richard Feynman, The Pleasure Of Finding Things Out

Music Association: Coldplay - How You See The World

Similar Stars
November 26, 2011

The Priscilla Lane and Betty Grable look alike contest begins today.

Priscilla Lane & Betty Grable

Music Association: ABC - Look of Love

Black Friday
November 25, 2011

A California shopper used pepper spray to get ahead in the Walmart line. (She got her Xbox.)

Where would she have gotten that idea, Lt. John Pike?

Music Association: Van Morrison - Friday's Child
"And I watched you knock 'em down,
Knock 'em down, each and every one."

Thanksgiving Hint #1124: Pass The Pepper Spray
November 24, 2011

This Thanksgiving say Please when asking someone to pass the pepper spray. You'll be glad you did.

pass the pepper spray

Pepper Spray Cop has a pointillism

Pepper Spray Cop - John Pike game

Music Association: The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)

Counting the Moments
November 23, 2011

Take any cube of spinning spheres and identify the number of spinning spheres without counting or calculating.

Ready... go.

don't count the moments, make the moments count

Music Association: Three Dog Night - One

Airport Security Queue Meets Retail
November 22, 2011

I haven't been to the Target at Lake & Hiawatha in Minneapolis, but I've got to go there.

Target believes shoppers are too stupid to pick the best checkout lane, so they are field testing the airport security queue on the shoppers. The shoppers are herded through one line to multiple mini-checkouts.

Some customer-corralling executive let go from Best Buy (Richfield, MN based) must have been picked up by Target (Minneapolis, MN based) to solve the problem of picking the fastest checkout lane. So they said, "Years ago, Best Buy had the problem, which we solved with cattle gates and microwave-sized checkouts. The alternative was the iPass Tollway method of customer checkout."

The iPass Tollway Customer Checkout System (iPTCCS)
The customer pushes the transparent cart through the iPTCCS laser archway.  Bar code reading lasers from all directions price the merchandise in the cart. Customer stumbles through temporary* blindness to the credit card scanner to swipe the credit card. Customer stumbles out of the store.

The iPTCCS system saves:
$  time
$  checkout staff
$  bags
$  customer training

Best Buy (and Target?) made the right decision to go with the airport security queue instead of the tollway method of customer checkout.

* The iPTCCS laser archway marketing people think the blindness is only temporary.

Music Associations: Thomas Dolby - Blinded Me With Science & Manfred Mann - Blinded By The Light

Sleep In On Friday
November 21, 2011

I'm looking at all the Black Friday 2011 ads, and I have to tell you, I'm not impressed.

Where are the big sales on HDTVs? Where's the peace on Earth?

There are never any good deals on peace on Earth, but I'll keep working on it.

Google has identified top product searches:
*  Striped dress
*  Ugg boots

Kohl's is offering 20% off an entire pre-Black Friday purchase using coupon code FANSNOV20.

NHK World reports Japanese HDTV manufacturers are losing money selling HDTVs through lower than expected demand and high competition with Chinese and South Korean manufacturers. Sony is forecasting a $2.2 billion loss from its TV division this fiscal year, the eighth straight year of losses.

Music Association: Smokey Robinson - Shop Around

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