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Knowing to Vote No, NASA & Bieber Whoo Women,
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Hopes and Dreams

Hello Ladies! I'm 55 Cancri e. I'm the bling that'll make you sing.
Government Transparency
NASA Woos Women
October 15, 2012

NASA's orbiting Spitzer Space Telescope has found a planet twice the size of Earth, and one-third of its core is composed of diamond.

Government transparency is generally a good idea, but must NASA be so transparent?!?

Bling! Bling! Hello? Hang on a second. NASA's calling, ladies, it's for you.

The planet is called 55 Cancri e. Yes, that's the best they could do. They named it after you Cancri!

The 55 Cancri e year lasts just 18 hours. This year with you has gone so fast. It's been a Playtex year -- an 18 hour year.

NASA has been trying to attract women for years. They have some, but they want more. Don't feel insulted NASA Women; take it as a compliment.

So what did the space astronomers do? They announced planetary bling. It's diamond, and it's hot (3,900°F). It's been announced by Forbes, NBC News, National Geographic, Popular Science, and Escapist Magazine.

What they don't realize is that women know that while carbon may be less than one part per thousand by mass on Earth and that diamonds are a comparably more rare form of carbon, diamonds are really only rare due to the DeBeers monopoly. The diamond mines of South Africa and Russia, that have made diamonds plentiful, have also led to hundreds of diamond-related deaths. Many are blood diamonds. The symbolic value of diamonds is a marketing sham.

Music Association: Shirley Bassey - Planetary Diamonds Are Forever

Hopes and Dreams

making road with token wetlands

Political Review
VP Candidate Paul Ryan at Solera
Politicians Hit the Road

October 13, 2012

Paul Ryan
Fresh from his debate with Vice President Joe Biden, Vice-Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan will be collecting funds at the Solera Cocina de España in Minneapolis tonight.

The VIP photo reception is at 6pm and costs $2,500 per person.

The general reception is at 6:30pm and costs $1,000 per person.

The dinner is at 7:15pm and costs $25,000 per couple.

Minnesota is not considered a battleground state. The Minnesota electoral college votes have gone to the Democratic nominee in every campaign since Richard Nixon in 1972.

Big Bird
Big Bird and muppets will leave Sesame Street for the National Mall in Washington DC on Saturday, November 3rd for the Million Muppet March to defend public broadcasting.

Music Association: Ray Charles - Hit The Road Jack
Million Muppet March - November 3, 2012

Hopes and Dreams

CD Review
The Positives of No
October 12, 2012

Love is everything. Love is all you need. How to take love and turn it into happily ever after is what the novel Hopes and Dreams: Stuck on AutoDrive is about. And love is the foundation of the opposition to the Minnesota Same-Sex Marriage Amendment.

David Alderson and Nicole Navratil brought together musicians in a 16-track, love-focused music CD opposing the Marriage Amendment -- We Love To Be Free: Songs of Life and Love in Support of Freedom to Marry. The liner notes say:

The music in We Love to Be Free is offered by Minnesota artists who support the freedom to marry for every person who is in a committed, loving relationship -- whether that union joins same sex or opposite sex partners... The CD features songs that cover a range of topics related to love, that profoundly human and spiritual instinct: searching, belonging, freedom, confusion, loyalty, tragedy, redemption, joy, understanding, and togetherness. We present this compilation to spread the good news that true love is available to us all, and the ties that bind our state and communities are strengthened by all loving people who wish to join their partner in marriage. We have the amazing chance in Minnesota to show the world how much we care for each other and that we are united in the belief that the freedom to marry is worth fighting for.

We Love to Be Free - track listWe Love To Be Free (CD, 2012)
1. Love Like This - Ann Reed (acoustic guitar)
2. Everybody Wants to Belong - Ellis (acoustic guitar)
3. All I NeedRoe Family Singers (bluegrass banjo)
4. Free Life - Dan Wilson of Semisonic (guitar, drums, piano)
5. Much Sense - Annie Humphrey (acoustic guitar)
6. Point of View - Sonic Love Child (acoustic guitar --shades of In My Life by The Beatles)
7. Loyalty Waltz - Dakota Dave Hull (instrumental acoustic guitar)
8. Migrant Boxcar Train - Charlie Parr (bluesy acoustic guitar)
9. Trooper Noonan - Bill Geezy (guitar -- slight similarity to Man of Constant Sorrow by the Soggy Bottom Boys)
10. Lift Us - Chastity Brown (guitar, piano, backup singers)
11. Hummingbird - Steve Kaul and the Brass Kings (fiddle, guitar, backup singers)
12. Appalachian Girl - Pert Near Sandstone (bluegrass banjo, guitar)
13. All I Want Is You - Sonic Love Child (acoustic guitar -- shades of Puff the Magic Dragon)
14. I Will Be There For You - Ann Reed (acoustic guitar -- almost thought it was a Rembrandt's song)
15. Amazing Grace - Dean Magraw (Celtic instrumental)
16. Will The Circle Be Unbroken - Brass Kings, Nirmala Rajasekar, Soukousize (bongo, wood block, guitar, 15 minute jam)

I'm too positive a person to be a fan of the word No. The most positive thing I have seen related to the marriage amendment was going by the State Fair booth selling Vote No t-shirts with it having an almost-comically long line of customers. I asked David Alderson, "What positives have you seen or heard relating to the marriage amendment?"

David Alderson: Similar to your observation about the state fair, I'm encouraged by the profusion of lawn signs I see that say "vote no."  Granted, I live in NE Minneapolis where sentiment runs strong against the amendment and about 75-80% of the voters in my precinct are Democrats.  It is heart-warming to consider that some Minnesotans really do have empathy for the plight of their neighbors, who are denied the legitimacy of their deepest aspirations by society or convention, religion, and unfavorable laws.

Also, I certainly think it's positive that people are even talking about this issue because for so many years we've had a "don't ask, don't tell" mentality that obscures the reality that millions of people in our country are LGBT and there is no good reason for them to be hiding out.  If we can avoid talking about "those people" who want "special rights" and discuss how hard it is to be a gay person in our society, and by the way, how about your cousin Jerry, or your auntie Jan, or your colleague at the office who is gay?  We may find that some of those who plan to vote "yes" might reconsider based on some personal connection to a gay person.  It would be a great step forward to recast the conversation on the freedom to be gay in terms of the people who cross our paths each and every day in the course of ordinary living.

Hopes and Dreams:  Is the marriage amendment a civil rights issue?

David Alderson: If you consider the freedom to love to be an issue of civil rights, then the answer is yes.  I suppose I'm involved in part because that is how it plays out for me. What is more basic than being able to freely love and build a life with the person who loves you in return?  If we are not free to love whom we choose, then I can't see that we are free in any meaningful sense of the word. Yet that is the unfortunate reality some of our friends, neighbors, and relatives must confront every day of their lives.  Solomon Burke sang a song that sticks in my head for its potent refrain that stated (in so many words) "none of us is free if one of us is in chains."

You can also approach it from the angle of separation of church and state, which is something the MN United folks are doing. How many people would raise their hands to enshrine other people's religious beliefs in our state constitution?  That is the part that truly mystifies me.  We have a system of checks and balances that ensures no one branch of government can run roughshod over us, and so if both the legislature and the electorate step out of bounds, as I maintain they are trying to do now with this amendment, it falls to the judiciary to bring things back in balance.  If this amendment passes, and it has an excellent chance of doing just that, the courts ought to declare it unconstitutional because it violates the doctrine of separation of church and state.  Anything less is straight up hypocrisy, or as Woody Allen said in a hilarious courtroom scene in one of his movies, "this is a sham of a mockery, of a mockery of sham."

A recent poll from Public Policy Polling shows 49% opposed to the amendment and 46% in favor. There are political action committees (PACs) on either side.

We Love to Be Free is available from Minnesota United, Electric Fetus, and at the CD Release concert at Patrick's Cabaret on October 21st at 7:30pm. All proceeds from the CD will be donated to Minnesotans United for All Families. More October events are at the Twin Cities Calendar.

Music Associations: Beatles - All You Need Is Love & Frank Sinatra - Love and Marriage
Movie Association: Bananas (1971)  "I object, your honor! This trial is a travesty. It's a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham."

Hopes and Dreams
Grocery ReviewCoca-Cola bottles capped
The last Coca-Cola bottles
October 11, 2012 (10-11-12)

I buy Coca-Cola in glass bottles occasionally, especially as gifts for people in other parts of the country. We have bottled Coke. They don't. But not any more.

The Winona bottling plant of Coca-Cola, the last bottler in the country, bottled their last glass bottle on Tuesday. They'd been bottling Coca-Cola for 80 years. Yesterday I bought the second to the last carton of bottles in my store.

The Winona bottling plant stopped making bottled Coke due to the expense of system repairs out-waying demand. I wish they'd talked to me. The solution is to increase demand. Bottled Coca-Cola is rare in the United States. In some places, it's shipped in from Mexico. Sell the rareness, the nostalgia of it. Sell it in Mickey's Diner in St. Paul. Sell it in the 50's diner Johnny Rockets in the Mall of America. Use it where people want to impress old people. Or do they think we're running out of old people?

Music Association: New Seekers - I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing

Grocery Review
Apple Cider Shortage
October 10, 2012apple

Recently I saw a gallon of apple cider on sale for $8. That was their wording "on sale."

Half the Minnesota crop was wiped out this spring by early blossoms triggered by warm weather only to be frozen by a quick frost.

Eight dollars is not a sale price for apple cider... not in Minnesota.

Music Association: Osmonds - One Bad Apple

Hopes and Dreams

Highest Megapixel Camera
October 9, 2012

I have good cameras. Occasionally I am asked how many megapixels my cameras are.

It doesn't matter.

Okay, it matters, but so does the lens and sensor quality... and the photographer. When you think about the most outstanding photographs in history, the quality of the cameras taking the pictures isn't the first thing that springs to mind.

Taking pictures while traveling recently, a man asked if I would photograph him and his family. I agreed, and he handed me his camera. I took their picture, then took them to a different location, set them up for a better shot, and took another picture.

Which brings us to the highest, greatest, largest megapixel camera: the dark energy camera. In the time it took you to read this blog post (and longer) it takes a picture. It's a 570 megapixel camera with 74 sensors (CCDs - charge-coupled devices) mounted at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) in mountainous Chile.

Does a Dark Energy Camera Matter?
After eight years of planning, the dark energy camera took its first picture on September 12th. The lab coat people will play with it for the next few months. Then the dark energy survey will begin in December as the camera and its astro-photographers will try to figure out why the expansion of the universe is speeding up.

solar eruption
This is an artist's rendering of a solar eruption. There are no pictures of dark energy (or dark matter for that matter).
Dark energy is the theoretical force that surrounds us and pushes us forward.

Music Associations: Paul Simon - Kodachrome & REM - Camera  "If I'm to be your camera, then who will be your face?"

Hopes and Dreams

Literal Problems in the Littoral Zone
October 8, 2012

What if someone, who had never served in the military, became the Secretary of the Navy. Could that cause any trouble?

What if a new fleet of ships were built in the middle of the country. Could that cause any problems?

I have a knack for speedreading, which comes in handy when reading internal government documents, whose main purpose always seems to be to fight insomnia. But speedreading without any sort of analytical tricks would mean I would fall fast asleep. The trick that keeps me awake is that government programs... all government programs... have built in absurdities. Guaranteed. Now, the absurdities aren't going to be in the diagrams or even spelled out, but they are there.
USS Freedom (LCS) splashes in Wisconsin
So, I was reading a TIME magazine article Big Bucks, Little Bang this morning on the U.S. fleet of coastal ships started in 2002. They are called Littoral Combat Ships (LCS). Littoral means coastal. They are fast ships without needing to be fast, substituting speed for armor, weapons, (small) size, and cost-effectiveness. They also have interchangeable mission modules that take weeks to replace. They are double the original cost, and the whole set (fleet) will cost upwards of $40 billion, if people are stupid enough to let them continue.

The Time article missed some key points.

1Have you ever noticed those speed limit signs in harbors? Every harbor has them. I was in some harbors this weekend. Even the gulls flew slower in harbor. That's the best way to explain coastal littoral ships not having to be overly fast -- think harbor speed limits. (Wake up.)

Fast doesn't help in rough seas. Fast doesn't help in coastal littoral waters. Fast is for calm, open seas.

2The Time article never mentioned the contractors or their locations. I figured the most absurd place to build a ship, especially a coastal littoral ship would be the middle of the country. The Congressional Research summary says it right away -- Wisconsin. Nobody knows ocean vessels like Wisconsin.

Now would be a good time to unload that submarine you have parked in North Dakota.

3Whose bright idea was this?!? Gordon England had never been in the military but was made the Secretary of the Navy in 2002. It was Gordo who said the ships should be fast. Since he was Secretary of the Navy, people actually listened.

Gordo was replaced in 2006 with another guy who had never been in the Navy, Donald Winter. Both were defense industry people. But then, so is the author of the Time magazine article, John Sayen, who never mentions the hull cracking (as long as 18 inches) and corrosion (inaccessible water jet cone assemblies). Sayen also mistakenly designates the USS Independence LSC-2; it is LCS-2.

I don't like waste. The Littoral Combat Ship program is waste.

Music Associations: Hues Corporation - Rock the Boat & Dido - White Flag  "I will go down with this ship."
Speaking of going down with this ship, Iran has removed their elite Qods Force brigade from Syria. Sad news for Assad.

Hopes and Dreams

Star Power
October 7, 2012

Here's what an interstellar nursery, the birthing chamber of stars, looks like. This is the elephant's trunk nebula in the IC1396 cluster in Cepheus.

nebula IC1396A in Cepheus

A big picture looking back in TIME at thousands of galaxies in the constellation Formax is at Space Telescope.

Music Associations: The Guess Who - Star Baby & Fleetwood Mac - Tusk

Solar Power Dances For Yousolar pumpkin that dances in the sunlight
October 5, 2012

Yesterday, I mentioned that currently (rimshot) solar power is expensive. Well, what a difference 24 hours makes.

Today, solar power only costs a dollar. That's right one dollar. (While supplies last.) Dollar Tree stores are selling dancing pumpkins, skeletons, and witches -- each for only one dollar.

Here's what Mister Pumpkin-head looks like.

It almost makes it okay that we've lost half of the Great Barrier Reef in the past three decades.

Not lost like it's missing, lost like it's gone. The Great Barrier Reef is not as great as it was.
Music Association: Orleans - Dance With Me

Hopes and Dreams

Power Gridlock
October 4, 2012my house is ready, I just have to paint it pink

Xcel Energy announced that it would no longer support its solar rewards program for its solar customers. The Minnesota Commerce Department said, "Oh, yes you will."

I'm caught on the fence. I know the key components of solar energy -- solar cells and batteries -- will improve, and the more they are used, the faster they will improve. Solar energy is only slightly less expensive than political pundits with cranks, but solar power is not cheap compared to coal, nuclear, or wind.

Speaking of Xcel's nuclear power plants in Minnesota, now is as good a time as any to thank Xcel and its Minnesota nuclear power plants for providing good, clean power for the state. Two of the three nuclear plants were shut down for maintenance and inspection issues earlier this year, and I barely heard anything about what happened in a no-news-is-good-news sort of way. Thank you, Xcel Energy.

I have many solar gadgets, but I haven't gotten around to putting solar panels on the roof. The landlord might get mad.

Without the solar panels and with the Commerce Dept.'s mandate, my power bills will continue to subsidize (power) the solar games of others.

Music Associations: Sheryl Crow - Soak Up The Sun & Eddy Grant - Electric Avenue

American Dream
October 3, 2012

Sometimes getting what you want is not getting anything at all.

I've seen the charts and graphs that show most Americans hating Congress more than BP during the oil spill and that this 112th Congress has done less than any other Congress in 65 years. 

A recent Reason-Rupe survey asked, "Would you like to see Congress pass more laws, fewer laws, or about what it’s doing now?" Do Nothing Congress

✓  27% said, "More laws."
✓  45% said, "Fewer laws."
✓  21% said, "What it's doing now."

So the 112th Congress has done very little and most people want it to do less?!?

Another way of describing a gridlock is a balance of power.  I've heard from people who view a do-nothing Congress as an ideal.  It's like the Henry David Thoreau quote, "The government that governs best, governs least."

Polls show people favor term limits on Congress:
✓  Rasmussen poll - 71%
✓  Fox News poll    - 78%
✓  Senate rejected  24-75

Tonight the Presidential candidates will debate. Both will make assumptions that the 113th Congress in 2013 will be busier for them than it has been in recent years.

But most Americans want a busy Congress about as much as they want Justin Bieber tickets.

Music Association: Billy Preston - Nothing From Nothing

Behind the Scenes
Ticket Manifest Destiny
October 2, 2012
The Twin Cities Calendar
One of the missions of the Twin Cities Calendar is to make known concerts and events in the Twin Cities so that people can go to events that interest them and have a good time. Naturally, that assumes tickets will be available.

Justin Bieber will be at the Target Center in Minneapolis on October 20th. Months ago, that event was added to the Twin Cities Calendar.  But last month, this news from Nashville appeared...

Justin Bieber 2012 concert tickets

The Fan Freedom Project says they received the Justin Bieber ticket manifest from Channel 5 WTVF Nashville for the 14,000 seats in Nashville's Bridgestone Arena. The document is actually the hold instructions.

The hold instructions list the seats that are being held for a particular purpose. A ticket manifest is an inventory list provided by the ticket printer verifying the number of tickets printed and price breakdown of the tickets. A ticket manifest is nearly an advanced sales report, which reports ticket sales prior to the start of the event. The box office statement is the overall profit or loss wrap-up, itemizing the tickets (sold or otherwise) and expenses for the event.

The Bieber - Nashville hold instructions list tickets held for a variety of American Express credit cards (blue, centurion, gold, & platinum), the Justin Bieber fan club (Bieber Fever) to increase club memberships, tickets held for Bieber's company, held for impaired fans (hearing, visual, mobility) -- imagine hearing Mr. Bieber's music while reading that part about hearing impaired fans, held for AEG (entertainment conglomerate), Creative Artists Agency (publicists), Def Jam, record label, marketing, gifts, auctions, VIP Meet & Greet, diamond VIP, emerald VIP, sapphire VIP, and platinum exchange. When it's all tallied, 42% were held for American Express, 21% for his fan club, 20% for venue & artist, 10% for VIP, leaving only 7% for anyone else.

Bieber is scalping his own tickets.

It's enough to make Bieber fans sick.

Even Justin Bieber is sick about it.

He threw up twice on stage in Glendale, Arizona on Saturday, making some wonder if he has Bieber Fever and making others wonder which seats are the good seats.

Music Association: Eddie Money - Two Tickets For Paradise

Hopes and Dreams

How You Live
May Save Your Lifetattoo you
October 1, 2012

I was recently thinking about getting stitches.

Then I thought about tattoos.

Then I thought about embroidery.

Then I thought, you know what's going to be
the next step in the world of skin art...

Music Association: Scotty McCreery - Write Your Number On My Hand

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