Products to Help Your Creativity

OpenOffice Writer
Having previously watched Microsoft Word lock up and wipe out documents, I wrote my 592 page novel Hopes and Dreams: Stuck on AutoDrive with OpenOffice Writer.  OpenOffice Writer performed just the way any book writer would want it to perform. I never lost any work. OpenOffice Writer never had a problem with the single 592 page document. And upgrading from OpenOffice 1.6 to 2.1 was a seemless transition.
Get OpenOffice
Mozilla Composer
This website is created with Mozilla Composer and with some HTML and CSS editing.
Firefox and its cafeteria-style add-ons is also recommended.Firefox 2
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Hopes and Dreams: Stuck on AutoDrive
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Buy a book. Read a book.
Hopes and Dreams: Stuck on AutoDrive

Dr. Melvin Vagues, M.A.D., of the Teska Lab at Minnesota University (Go Moo!) has discovered that reading actually transforms the mind into a creative monster that can tackle any problem with teams of possibilities and solutions, giving the reader the ability to understand the world in a way that Atlas, an expert at standing under the world, could only imagine.

© Copyright 2020 Hopes and Dreams. All rights reserved.  Minneapolis - St. Paul, Minnesota
Read the novel -- Hopes and Dreams: Stuck on AutoDrive